大家好!今天让小编来大家介绍下关于life goes on音译BTS(life goes on音译)的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,让我们一起来看看吧

life goes on音译BTS(life on音译)  第1张

您好,今天芳芳来为大家解答以上的问题。life goes on音译BTS,life goes on音译相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、namida de nijinda kono sora wo miage rutabihakanai ao saga mune wo shime tsuketekusa da me nara kanashi mino hate madetatakai tsuduke ta hibi wo ato niLife Goes On moeaga ruinochi gaaru kagirishinjitsu no jibun sae miushinai sou soredemoLife Goes On mamori takutekokoroha kudaka retehontou no kanashi miwo shitta hitomi haai ni afure tefuyu ni saku hana ga kasumu keshiki irodorutsuyosa ha yasashi sa sou utai kaketerunanno tame dare no tameni kun hatatakai tsuduke runodarou imaLife Goes On umare kawariitsushika deae runarakore ijou mou nido to ushinai takuhanai demoLife Goes On kono toki niumare tekita kagirikono ude de kono mune de ima uke tomeyouai wo shinji te(I can feel your heart in emotionDeep down in your mind and passionLife goes on and onWe love each other in the sunless abyss)(Life Goes On…)(Go way to the stormy come way me…)Life Goes On moeaga ruinochi gaaru kagiriitsuno nichi ka mou ichido hikari wo waka chi ai taiLife Goes On mamori takuteinori wo jikuu ni hase tehontou no kanashi miwo shitta hitomi haai ni afure teai ni afure te…。


以上就是小编对于life goes on音译BTS(life goes on音译)问题和相关问题的解答了,life goes on音译BTS(life goes on音译)的问题希望对你有用!